Monday, January 7, 2013

Trying...Just this once...

It's been a while, I know. Sandy did alot more than jack with my running route. The people in my neighborhood are dusting themselves off as best as they can in their individual situations. Leggetts Sand Bar was just that, shoveling out sand from the bar- all that beer, wasted...The Turkey Trot was naturally cancelled. You can't run through 3 foot sand drifts.

Things are coming around. The skunks are back. It might sound silly but I find it to be a good sign of things getting back to normal. Here's hoping I don't get sprayed.

I might be crazy. I may well and truly damage myself irreparably. They may have to euthanize me like they do the horses... On December 26th I ponied up the $108 and registered for the Full New Jersey Marathon. 26.2 miles, 17 weeks from yesterday.

As if that weren't enough, 4.8 miles felt like 10. I stopped smoking, obviously. Yes I was a smoking runner and you can take that statement both ways. The wonky knee continues. The hips and back are a hot mess but...

If I don't try this I will always wonder and there is nothing so hideous as regret. And there is always Advil as well as hip and knee replacement. It's called the bright side. 1 mile a week will bring me up to 22 miles. If I can get up to that, I'll be OK. That's all I want, just this once. Hell, 16 miles would be an accomplishment but we'll see if I can't make it for the big 26. Scared? You bet...Stay tuned...

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