Sunday, November 21, 2010

Turkey Trotting

I'm plugging along. I finished my town's 5 mile Turkey Trot in 52:20. It's a great improvement from that Fool's Run in April. I'm going further and faster. This is a good thing with Thanksgiving dinner around the corner.

I'm thinking of making some changes. I need to get rid of my belly rolls. Pilate classes may do the trick. In order to give my legs a rest, I'm also considering swimming lessons. Change is a good thing. In the meantimne, I will keep trotting.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A good place

I really am in a good place right now - down more than 60 lbs, able to run a 5k in 35 minutes, fitting comfortably into size 10 jeans. I just need to keep the momentum going and, in order to so that, I am trying to set goals. The 5 mile Turkey Trot is on November 20. Perhaps I'll do the Reindeer Romp in December. It keeps you honest and motivated. The last thing one needs is to fall into a rut. Perhaps a 10k is in my future. i wouldn't rule it out. Stranger things have happened. And as Coldplay is fond of saying, "If you never try, you'll never know..."

no excuses

10 Tips to Get Fit This Fall |