Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Silly Season

Alot of people have problems, especially during the silly season. - Lethal Weapon

There's alot of things to be thankful for during this silly season. There should be no looking on the other side of the fence for greener grass. However, if anyone ever says to you, Why can't you do that? or How did she lose all that weight? Keep in mind that at this point in time, there is nothing else. There is no family of my own to take care of. There are no children to wake up and get to school. There is no husband or other half to spend time with. It is me, my body and I. I can take an hour to myself every morning. I can take pilates classes a few times each week. I have absolutely no excuse why I can't stay this way unless I slip into a deep depression whilst sitting in front of the TV with a bag of miniature Reeses Peanut butter cups as I used to in my adolescent years. So if anyone asks you, "hey what about you?", warn them not to go there.

Today was a mirror of those times - the jumbo bag of Skittles and a large bar of Kit Kats in the movie theater. But now I pick myself up and dust myself off and remember to be a little more mindful. What I have to remember, even as I have to fight back tears, is that my grass may not be greener but at least it is my grass. Happy Thanksgiving, everybody.